Develop a decarbonisation strategy to help achieve net zero and ensure long-term 能源 and environmental compliance. 无论你在零净值的旅途中处于什么位置, our consulting team will make decarbonisation of your built environment and fleet simple, working by your side to break down barriers and accelerate your progress.
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The first step of any net zero journey is understanding where you are and determining where you need to be. Our team will help you baseline your carbon footprint and develop a strategy to achieve net zero, identifying the decarbonisation measures you should implement to meet your sustainability goals.
无论是通过新的能源效率措施, rolling out a solar PV programme or replacing old boilers with electric heat pumps, we’ll help you create a strategy and then monitor and track the performance of your carbon reduction programme.
踏入不熟悉的领域可能会让人望而生畏, which is why you need a decarbonisation partner who’s been there before. 确保你的净零战略是可操作的, we provide the financial and 科技nical due diligence required to prove the business case and enable better decision making.
Our expert consultants will help you every step of the way – whether its conducting feasibility assessments and 能源 modelling for renewable integration, 或者只是帮助你获得能源转型的资金.
The net zero economy of the future needs smart workers using smart solutions.
Mitie has years of experience developing intelligent environmental and 能源 systems to help you create a stress-free and compliant organisation, where buildings run optimally and people are at their most productive. 另外, our certified training programmes boost your teams’ capability to seize sustainable opportunities and reduce liabilities.
See how our innovative and integrated 能源 management approach has helped Vodafone save £10 million in financial savings.
Develop a comprehensive fleet transition and EV charging strategy
随着电动汽车的普及, organisations will be required to transform their built estate to meet future 运输 needs.
Mitie takes a data-driven approach to creating the most appropriate fleet transition strategy, helping you to carefully plan the development of charging infrastructure and ensuring you make smart investments at the right time and in the right place. 极其, the infrastructure we help you design will be fit for current and future needs, as we consider hardware and software choices with the future in mind.
Organisations that want to achieve net zero need to model the optimal mix of decarbonisation solutions – including solar PV, 风, 氢, 电池存储, 电动汽车充电基础设施和热泵. However, these projects are complex and have uncertain business cases.
Mitie provides advice to clients looking to invest in 能源 transition by simulating complex projects using real market, 供应, 需求数据. This helps you plan and optimise your solutions and gain confidence in the expected returns on your investments.
9 twh
在过去十年中,太阳能光伏发电的成本下降了82%. Learn how you can save money while securing your 能源 供应 with our complete guide.
案例研究 & 文章
- 洞察力
- 2024年6月17日
- 洞察力
- 2024年6月14日
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- 2024年4月4日
- 新闻
- 2024年3月6日
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- 2023年8月17日
- 案例研究
- 2023年4月12日
奖 & 认证评估
Our pioneering 环境、社会和治理 work has been recognised by the following awards and 认证评估.
Talking all things strategy with Mike Sewell, 计划为零 Director at Mitie.
如果你想谈保障能源供应的问题, 降低成本或使你的财产脱碳, 然后我们的专家随时准备为您提供帮助. 填好表格,我们会和你联系的.